Exercise Can Help Save Your Life

Being healthy encompasses a number of aspects of life. Fitness involves, eating well and moving your body the right way to keep your weight...

Hoop Heads (Kawhi Leonard)

This "Timeout" John McCann talks about the Raptors Kawhi Leonard and his cornrolls .. https://soundcloud.com/user-790995506/timeout-sports-w-john-mccann-hoop-heads  

Urban Media Today Talks Sports [Podcast]

This week Vince, Ray and Trevin sit around the UMT Roundtable discussing the upcoming NBA Draft and More..... https://soundcloud.com/user-790995506/urban-media-today-talks-sports-061419-mixdown

Natural Healing and Wellness Center Opens In Southside Pittsburgh

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Natural Healing and Wellness Center Coming to Pittsburgh's Southside Pittsburgh, PA-Welcome to the world of alternative healing and wellness. Bringing effective and alternative...

Change Your Life And Become More Fit!

Getting in shape has tons of benefits, such as preventing illness and injury, but it can also help you gain strength, gain confidence, and...

Soul Take Champions Live [Podcast] This weeks Guest: Warren Wilson

This week former Basketball standout Warren Wilson joins Bill Neal and Kevin Cameron at the UMT Roundtable discussing the NBA Finals and More.....   Click Link...

Completing Your DIY Painting Project Without Spending A Fortune [Tips]

Painting your living spaces can be a big job - so big that many people look for outside help from places similar...

Give it up with Margo Hinton [Podcast]

  This week Margo Hinton sat down with Dr. Patrick Johnston talking NBA and More ! https://soundcloud.com/user-790995506/give-it-up-with-margo-hinton-guest-dr-patrick-johnston-june-16  

Wrong Suspect

This "Timeout" John McCann talks NBA, Free Agency and Injuries .....  

Handgun Licensing More Effective at Reducing Gun Deaths

Handgun Licensing More Effective at Reducing Gun Deaths Than Background Checks Alone Newswise — A new white paper from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun...

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