NBA: Free Agency

NBA Free Agency Surprises and ‘Not-So’ Surprises (Pittsburgh,PA) The much-anticipated National Basketball League Free Agent season is finally here. When the clock hit 6:00pm on...

Rent Going Up? One Company’s Algorithm Could Be Why.

by Heather Vogell, ProPublica, with data analysis by Haru Coryne, ProPublica, and Ryan Little This story was originally published by ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer...

Rise and Shine with Bofta Yimam: Are You Responsible? [AUDIO]

  Award-winning journalist, Bofta Yimam asks in what way are YOU responsible? Are you ok with owning up to your responsibilities in relationships and business?...

Guest Eric Gibson & Keith Platt Jr. [Podcast]

On today's Soultake Champions Live host  Kevin Cameron and  co-host Bill Neal discuss the NFL ,NBA,MLB and More. This week Eric Gibson and Keith Platt...

Georgia senator Loeffler possibly violated ethics rules with campaign fundraising ask

During an appearance on Fox News, Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler asked viewers to financially support her campaign, possibly violating guidelines set by Senate ethics rules...

“Lean on Me”

UMT Sports Contributor, Margo Hinton drops several sports/life skill gems inside another Give It Up sports podcast on Urban Media Today Radio (which airs...

What To Do When Your Little Girl Leaves Home

by: Craig Garber Today I am NOT going to be talking about marketing. It is the farthest thing from my mind right now. And I also will...

Combatting Loneliness in Older Adults

(Family Features) The bonds found in friendships and other relationships are an important factor in health and wellness - even science says so. According to...

UMT Money: Is It Too Early To Start Filing Your Taxes?

Most Americans prepare to file their tax returns early in the year; like around October or November. Others take their sweet time gathering all...

E Report: Meghan Markle and Her Family Drama [Audio]

Who will walk Meghan Markle down the aisle at the royal wedding? Lil Yachty & Deadmau5 Go Head-to-Head on Twitter Tank Sued By...

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