The application for the second annual Alan & Mary Jo Lincoln (AMJL) Scholarship Program is now open. The scholarship aims to support career driven...

Six ways to prevent your child from playing with fire

When Sean* was 15 years old, he set his high school on fire. It wasn’t an accident. He was angry that he didn’t get good...

Clear the Bathroom Clutter

Due to their small size and heavy usage, bathrooms can become messy, cluttered areas for many families. For those with smaller bathrooms, storage solutions can...

5 Tips to Encourage Picky Eaters

Feeding an entire family can be difficult enough on its own with busy evenings full of hustle and bustle. One additional factor that can...

Shake Up Your Morning

Some mornings can be such a drag and make you feel exhausted. On those days, it looks like everyone is moving slow (especially the...

Simple Tips for a Better Wedding Registry

For some couples, the idea of registering for wedding gifts is an exciting way to start planning for the home they’ll be sharing as...

Bigger, Better Breakfast Bites

If you need an on-the-go breakfast option, wake up your morning with bacon, eggs and a biscuit in these simple, tasty Breakfast Sandwiches. Find more...

Put More You into Your Wedding Day

A wedding day is filled with symbolic tradition, from varied religious customs to the never-ending circle reflected in the rings and the types of...

Mother searching for missing son, Hampton graduate Marcus Thompson

Family and friends rally together in hopes of locating their loved one who has not been seen for nearly a year. Marcus Thompson, who was...

5 Tips for Traveling Amid COVID-19

The spread of new COVID-19 variants and lower vaccination rates in developing countries continue to impact the ability to move freely throughout the world....

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