Straight Facts About Omega-3s and Heart Health
Many people are familiar with omega-3 fatty acids, and some of those at risk for heart disease take them as dietary supplements.
However, according to...
COVID AND RACE: Health data in Allegheny County show racial disparities
The coronavirus pandemic has disproportionately impacted communities of color with its infections and death rates. Those disparities along racial barriers are apparent across the...
Mushroom consumption may lower risk of depression
Mushrooms have been making headlines due to their many health advantages. Not only do they lower one’s risk of cancer and premature death, but...
Black women more likely to have labor or delivery complications due to systemic inflammation
Black women are more likely than white women to experience a severe, unexpected complication during labor or delivery, particularly due to systemic inflammation, according...
New report shows Black Americans getting little post-COVID discharge care
Over the past year, COVID-19 has disproportionately affected Black people in the United States. Now, a new report shows that Black patients who have...
Are You Addicted to Technology?
During the COVID-19 shutdown, many people increasingly turned to technology for entertainment and information, a trend that raises concerns about an increase in technology...
Melanin Fitspiration provides safe space for all to workout
We’re moving away from the days where you scroll down your Instagram timelines and see fitness instructors who are like bodybuilders. Muscles protruding from...
Researchers’ novel mind-body program outperforms other forms of treatment for chronic back pain
Chronic back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. In the United States, patients spend up to $300 billion each year to treat the condition, according to a 2012 study...
Hesitancy About COVID-19 Vaccine for Children Highest Among Black Parents
Nearly half of Black parents (48 percent) were hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine for their child, compared to 33 percent of Latinx parents and...
MIND Diet Linked to Better Cognitive Performance
Aging takes a toll on the body and on the mind. For example, the tissue of aging human brains sometimes develops abnormal clumps of...