As Pittsburgh ages, Black families shoulder heavy dementia care burden

By Amber Frantz Velouise Bell, 69, was visiting her son in New York when she received a call that her house was on...

Trump’s Return Puts Medicaid on the Chopping Block

Phil Galewitz, KFF Health News January 13, 2025 Under President Joe Biden, enrollment in Medicaid hit a record high and the uninsured rate reached a...

Is Dry January a Good Idea?

By Tufts University Newswise — Dry January is a somewhat recent trend in which some people stop drinking alcohol for the month of January. In...

The Surgeon General’s office warns about the correlation between alcohol consumption and cancer

By Kay Wicker/Originally published for thegrio Before you roll your eyes at those kicking off the year with a “dry January,” you may want to...

8 Ways to Live Healthier in 2025

Take steps to limit risk for cardiovascular disease (Family Features) The last decade has seen a surge in cardiovascular risk factors such as uncontrolled high...

Resolving To Exercise More In The New Year? Experts Say Ease Into It To...

By Hackensack Meridian Health NEWSWISE--It is estimated this year 79% of Americans will make a new year’s resolution to improve their health in some way...

Blue Holiday: How to Cope With Sadness Amid Holiday Cheer

By Cedars-Sinai Newswise — LOS ANGELES (Dec. 16, 2024) -- The most wonderful time of the year can be excruciating for those dealing with grief, sadness...

Nationwide IV Fluid Shortage Could Change How Hospitals Manage Patient Hydration

By Jackie Fortiér Hospitals around the country are conserving critical intravenous fluid supplies to cope with a shortage that may last months. Some hospital administrators...

Resources Are Expanding for Older Adults on Their Own

By Judith Graham Jeff Kromrey, 69, will sit down with his daughter the next time she visits and show her how to access his online...

UnitedHealthcare Tried to Deny Coverage to a Chronically Ill Patient. He Fought Back, Exposing...

by David Armstrong, ProPublica; Patrick Rucker, The Capitol Forum; and Maya Miller, ProPublica This story was originally published by ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning...

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