Urban Media Today Talks Sports  08/01/20
This Week Ray Porter Jr, Vince Butts , Trevin A Jones
Keith Platt Jr  and John McCann are at it again :
Keith Platt  Jr.                   John McCann
This week the crew is joined by Coach William Hoyd Jr. of  “PlayingforEnvelopes”Â
This weeks  special guest : Kenn Rashad and Dr. Kenyatta Cavil  talk  Football, Recruiting,  The CoVid 19 impact on the HBCU Football landscape and  more……..

First Quarter :  Kicking off the Game with an  Introduction of todays players and diving into conversation about  the NBA,MLB, NCAA Football and More
Second Quarter: Action before halftime finds Coach ,Ken, Ray , Doc and Trevin continuing the conversation about the Coronavirus disease and its impact on everything from the NBA,MLB and NFL. The conversation turns as the players discuss Notre Dame football joining the ACC and  the  impacts of the television contracts that could be involved.
Third Quarter :Kenn Rashad (HBCU Sports ) & Dr.Kenyatta Cavil ( Inside the HBCU Sports Lab) Kick off the second half continuing their conversation about NCAA football ,TV contracts and HBCU football its time for the 3rd Quarter
Fourth Quarter : Guest Kenn Rashad and Kenyatta Cavil and the UMTTS team close out the game giving Kudos to the SWAC and HBCU Leadership dealing with the impact of Covid- 19. The “Final Drive” of the game features the players sharing  with you what has been impactful to them this week.