The silent statement made back in 2017 to take a knee was one that made a thunderous sound in the sports/football community. That statement to stand for the rights of unarmed black men and woman who lost their lives at the hands of police officers across the country was finall heard when a settlement was awarded to the man who decided to take on the National Football League who kept him from playing or from being signed to another team.
The New York Times reports:
Colin Kaepernick, a once brilliant young quarterback, chose to take a knee for his beliefs and endured apparent blackballing by the most powerful sports league in North America.
It would be churlish to criticize this man for taking an unspecified financial settlement and signing a nondisclosure agreement with the National Football League after he had accused the league’s teams of colluding to keep him out. He sacrificed for his beliefs and with a dignified use of free speech, that grandest of American traditions, he came to personify a coming of political age across several sports.

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