Most community college students hope to earn a bachelor’s degree. CCAC students have better odds than others nationwide

Image Credit: Instagram/@ccac_edu

Nationwide, the vast majority of community college students want to transfer to a four-year university for a bachelor’s degree. But many struggle to understand the process, and when they run into barriers, they’re more likely to waste money on classes they don’t need or drop out.

Students who aim to transfer from the Community College of Allegheny County [CCAC], though, accomplish that goal more often than the average transfer student. About 45% of those CCAC students enroll at a four-year university by the next academic year, according to data from the last five academic years that PublicSource obtained through a Right-to-Know request.

That’s better than the national average: About 31% of community college students who enroll with the intent to transfer do so within five years.