“Hey Girl Hey” Podcast SHOW ONE [AUDIO]

Urban Media Today presents "Hey Girl Hey"- an entertainment podcast hosted by radio personality Ki Ki Brown, and co-hosts LaShawn Tipton & Gerri Tipton...

Hey Girl Hey Podcast (Show Three)[Audio]

#HeyGirlHeyPodcast is ON NOW with the hot topics like #StormyDaniels having to pay #Trump his #hushmoney back, why giving cash as a gift is "not the jam" and telling you what #TheySaid! Plus,...

Hey Girl Hey Podcast (FEB 9) [AUDIO]

The ladies wrap up the week of entertainment with details on the arrest of rapper 21 Savage, Steelers WR, Antonio Brown's baby-mama drama, why...

Hey Girl Hey [Podcast] Guest: Peachie Wimbush-Polk [AUDIO/VIDEO]

Kiki and Gerri are joined by Peachie Wimbush-Polk (mother of Rapper Wiz Khalifa) Click the link below and Enjoy :  https://soundcloud.com/user-790995506/hey-girl-hey-podcast-w-special-guest-peachie-wimbush-polk     Hey Girl Hey Podcast On YouTube: https://youtu.be/X2xkBwCoCmA For...

Hey Girl Hey Podcast: Black Men Prefer White Women Because…[AUDIO]

"Chatter Chick", LaShawn Tipton, "Millennial Chick", Gerri Tipton, and "Radio Chick", Ki Ki Brown return for show 9 of the Hey Girl Hey podcast!...

Hey Girl Hey: Michael Cohen, Jordyn Woods, What”They Said” & Lace Fronts for Men...

Tune in for another #HeyGirlHey podcast Saturdays on #urbanmediatodayradiovia TuneIn Live365 (Official) or online www.UrbanMediaToday.com! Join Ki Ki Brown LaShawn Tipton and Gerri Tipton for the latest in celebrity gossip plus shine...

Hey Girl Hey Podcast “Is Michelle Obama Househunting?” [VIDEO/AUDIO]-July 13

https://youtu.be/qsllmJUpkVQ The ladies return to discuss the hot topics around the UMT round table: A$AP Rocky, Little Black Mermaid, Spinderella Got Screwed, and in this...

Hey Girl Hey SHOW 08: Wendy, Chris & RIP Chilvary[AUDIO]

https://soundcloud.com/user-790995506/hey-girl-hey-show-08 HeyGirlHey is back!!! Join hosts LaShawn Tipton Gerri Tipton (myself) & special guest, Portia Foxx of WAMO 100 tomorrow @ 2 PM on Urban Media Today...

Hey Girl Hey [Podcast] 01/04/20

                              Hey Girl Hey Podcast   01/04/20 This week  Gerri ,Kiki...

Hey Girl Hey (Ep. 7): R Kelly, Oscars, & Black Men Loving Hispanic Women...

https://soundcloud.com/user-790995506/hey-girl-hey-show-7-jan-12 #HeyGirlHey is back this Saturday! Join hosts LaShawn Tipton, Geri Tipton & Ki Ki Brown Saturdays @ 2 PM on #UrbanMediaTodayRadio! This week, the ladies talk the...

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