NBA: Free Agency

NBA Free Agency Surprises and ‘Not-So’ Surprises (Pittsburgh,PA) The much-anticipated National Basketball League Free Agent season is finally here. When the clock hit 6:00pm on...

Basic Tips That Will Get Good Food On The Table

Cooking is something that has been done since the beginning of time. Everyone appreciates a good cook and the food they seem to magically...

Rise and Shine with Bofta Yimam: Preparing For Your Big Speech [Tips]

Before you prepare for your big speech, award-winning journalist and motivational speaker, Bofta Yimam, has some very important tips to share with you. For more...

Give it up with Margo Hinton [Podcast] Guest: Dr. Jamil Bey

  This Week Dr. Jamil Bey Joins Margo at the UMT roundtable ...   Click the Link Below and Enjoy :          

Podcast Guest : Warren Wilson and Keith Davis

    This week former basketball star Warren Wilson and ESPN producer Keith Davis Join Kevin and Bill at the UMT round table talking NBA free...

Topic: NBA Free Agency Predictions [Podcast]

This Week Vince , Ray and Trevin made predictions as to where the Big time NBA Free Agents  would end up. Were they right?...

Tips To Getting Yourself Fit For Life!

Poor fitness can negatively affect you, both physically and emotionally. You need to do a lot of your research so that you don't seriously...

Weight Loss Results By Using Solid Advice

Sooner or later, people start realizing that a sedentary lifestyle is not for them. They then search for a fitness program, but there are...

Low-Carb ‘Keto’ Diet (‘Atkins-Style’) May Modestly Improve Cognition in Older Adults

Newswise - In a pilot study of 14 older adults with mild cognitive problems suggestive of early Alzheimer's disease, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers report...

Shopping Baskets

  This "Timeout"  John McCann offers some practical advice for sports fans and beyond. Click the link below and enjoy:  

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