Bleeding gums may be a sign you need more vitamin C in your diet
Current advice from the America Dental Association tells you that if your gums bleed, make sure you are brushing and flossing twice a day...
Healthy eating: Tips for planning nutritious meals and snacks
Nutrition goals aren’t the same for everyone. These tips, however, may help you personalize your new eating habits:
Include a variety of nutritious foods
Incorporating all...
Fruit Secrets: Health Benefits of your Favorite Summer Fruits
Fruits, goldmines of vitamins, minerals and fiber are ideal to consume at least 4-5 servings in a day. Since they are in the natural...
Colorectal Cancer Awareness
World Health Organization (WHO) has declared cancer as the leading cause of deaths throughout the world. In fact, in 2008, 7.6 million people across...
Stretches You Can Do Right At Your Desk
Working the 9-5 life is not easy. It involves sitting at a desk for long stretches of time, too much staring at a computer...
Facts About Heart Disease
Many health conditions can result in what is termed heart disease, such as arrhythmias, heart infections, coronary artery disease, diseases that affect blood vessels...
#YearofCOVID Tip Sheet
One year has passed since stay-at-home orders went into effect across the U.S. and the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives in profound ways. During...
Muscle cramp? Drink electrolytes, not water
If you reach for water when a muscle cramp strikes, you might want to think again. New research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has...
Shift Work Schedules Linked to Stroke, High Blood Pressure and Diabetes
A disruption to organ rhythms caused by shift work is a key factor in injury-induced disease development, according to a new research article published...
Genetic Tool Improves Estimation of Prostate Cancer Risk in Diverse Ethnic/Racial Groups
Building upon previous research, an international team led by scientists at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, has validated a more inclusive...