Pennsylvania utility costs to rise Dec. 1, learn how to shop prices


As families across Pennsylvania try to brace for the Winter, it may cost more to stay warm this season. The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) says electricity bills could increase statewide on Dec. 1.

The commission wants to alert customers and businesses of rising energy costs and encourages customers to compare prices and take steps to avoid sticker shock.

According to a press release from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, below are the following price changes reported to the commission from electric distribution companies.

  • Citizens’ Electric, up from 6.9777 cents to 7.9476 cents per kWh (13.9%);
  • Duquesne Light, up from 7.41 cents to 7.98 cents per kWh (7.7%);
  • Met-Ed, up from 7.114 cents to 7.414 cents per kWh (4.2%);
  • PECO, up from 6.597 cents to 7.021 cents per kWh (6.4%);
  • Penelec, down from 6.761 cents to 6.507 cents per kWh (3.8%);
  • Penn Power, down from 7.657 cents to 7.593 cents per kWh (less than 1%);
  • PPL, up from 7.544 cents to 9.502 cents per kWh (26%);
  • Pike County Light & Power, up from 6.5234 cents to 9.796 cents per kWh (50.2%);
  • Wellsboro Electric, up from 7.2596 cents to 7.5051 cents per kWh (3.4%); and
  • West Penn Power, up from 5.447 cents to 5.698 cents per kWh (4.6%);

“The upcoming price changes, combined with falling temperatures, make this an important time for consumers and businesses to evaluate their energy options and explore ways to save money and energy in the coming months,” said PUC Chairman Gladys Brown Dutrieuille in the release. “We encourage consumers to carefully review their electric bills, understand the energy prices they will be paying if they stay with default service, and then explore the PUC’s official electric shopping website – – for details on competitive offers, along with tips for energy conservation and savings.”

The PUC also warns customers of signing contracts prematurely. The commission recommends not signing a contract unless you are aware of the contract’s length, the cost, whether it is fixed or variable and if you must pay any fees. Information on fixed and variable electric rates is available here.

Story Credit: Editorumt/jrtmediapr

Photo Credit: Doris Morgan/Unsplash