E Report: Bae-Day On A Budget (Valentine’s Day Tips)


The final days until the day you show your boo, bae, honey, luv-muffin how much they mean to you is closer than you think. And for some of us, payday isn’t until the 15th! This isn’t a good thing because for one, you had 364 days to prepare and also if you do something a day late, that puts your relationship under a different type of status (side chick day). You don’t want that conversation AT ALL!

So what do you do? I found some tips online (because that’s what we do now) to help you celebrate your love that says more than what your current bank statement indicates. For those that don’t have a boo, or a side chick for that matter, you might think about enjoying Valentine’s Day by giving yourself some self-love, and maybe even want to look at something similar to this porno ruso for some self-release too!

For those that do have a boo, I hope you’re creative!

According to PopSugar.com, these tips might win his/her heart for now, but on payday, you need to make up for it BIG TIME:

  1. Make them a good breakfast.
  2. Have all of their laundry done the morning of V-Day.
  3. Leave a note in his or her briefcase or purse so they’ll see it when they get to work.
  4. Surprise them with morning sex.
  5. Bake your SO’s (significant other) favorite dessert.
  6. Fill a jar with Hershey’s Kisses and Post-it notes of compliments and things you love about your partner.
  7. Make your own Newlyweds-style game: write down questions like “Where did we have our first kiss?” and “What’s my favorite movie?” See if your answers match.
  8. Surprise them at work with their favorite lunch.
  9. Take them on a hike to a place they’ve never been.
  10. Make a scrapbook filled with photos and memorabilia.

Click the link above for more tips! Good luck!

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