
Th? k??w?rd for m?n this ??r?ng-?umm?r ?????n ?? ??mf?rt ?nd ?f course, ?t?l?, m?x?ng and m?t?h?ng styles that blend nicely w?th w?rdr?b? th?? ?lr??d? ?wn, gives th? idea that being fashionable ??n ?l?? m??n affordable. S?m? m?n d?n’t l?k? t? b? too ??n??rv?t?v? ?nd l???r themselves t?? much w?th jackets, for th??, ??n??d?r u??ng a d?rk tone v??t w?th butt?n? ?n th? fr?nt with a v-neck ?h?rt ?n l?ght ??l?r?. Minimalist l???r?ng ?? important this season; ??u d?n’t w?nt the h?t w??th?r t? b?th?r you ?? th? summer ?t?rt?.

Always use ???????r??? t? combine ??ur l??k, l?k? br???l?t?, n??kl???? ?nd sunglasses. Avoid g??ng ?v?rb??rd with th??? ?? you don’t l???? ??ur elegance ?nd tr?n?f?rm ??u l??k ?nt? another ?n?. M?n ?l?? w??r ???????r??? l?k? b?g?, this season; the ??t?h?l ?t?l? b?g ?? a mu?t. This ??r?ng, scarves ?nd handkerchiefs are back f?r th?t refined t?u?h ?n a man’s look.

About pants, ?tr??ght cuts r?v??l a better presence, b?ll b?tt?m? ?r? w?? out of th? ???tur? n?w?d???, k??? th?m ?n your ?l???t ju?t in ???? th?? come b??k ?r if you need th?m f?r a ???tum? ??rt?. Al??, cropped trousers r???h?ng t? ?b?v? the ?nkl? w?? seen in the runw???. This style ??n be w?rn with very ?h?rt ???k? or ankle boots. S?m? d???gn?r? h?v? ?v?n ?n??r??r?t?d ?h?rt ?h?rt? m?t?h?ng their bu??n??? suits ?n th??r collections.

The ?????n’? ??l?r t?nd?n???? are ?lm??t th? same, f??u??ng m?r? on grays ?nd ???rl whites, but don’t f?rg?t th?t ??r?ng is all ?b?ut ??l?r? and pastel ??nk? ?nd oranges are back. For more conserved people, save the bright colours for socks and underwear – colourful mens underwear is definitely in. F?r th? more rebel ?n??, th?r? ?? n?th?ng b?tt?r th?n ??nt? ?n w?ld ??l?r? l?k? green ?nd yellow w?th ??mf?rt?bl? ?r?nt?d ??tt?n t-shirts. You have t? b? ??r?ful w?th graphics, d?n’t th?nk that b???u?? ?t ?? ??r?ng ?r ?umm?r, g?g?nt?? fl?w?r? are ?d??u?t?; this is wr?ng. Th??? d???gn? are ?n the past, prints n?w t?nd t? b? smaller and ?n aquamarine, gr??, ?ur?l? or blue ??l?r?. Fl?w?r? ?nd H?w????n ?r?nt?d ?h?rt? are ?nl? ?????t?bl? wh?n ??mb?n?d w?th beach Bermudas.

You should ?lw??? search for th? r?ght t??? ?f fabric too; there ?r? t?xt?l?? f?r ?v?r? ?????n. Th?? spring, the ??t??n? ?r? l?n?n, ??tt?n, and tr?????l w??l, f?r a fr??h?r and ???l?r f??l?ng. Th? J??n? never g? out ?f ?t?l?; ??u ju?t h?v? to follow the t??? of ?ut within th? season ?nd th? tr?nd?.

The r??l??t?? fact is th?t Am?r???n m?n u?u?ll? d?n’t w??r wh?t they see ?n the runw???, Eur????n m?n t?nd t? b? r??k??r w?th their l??k, they r??ll? don’t ??r? what people th?nk ?f th?m, wh?r??? Am?r???n m?n ?r? m?r? conservative ?n th?? matter, ?f ??ur??, I’m talking ?b?ut th? g?n?r?l gu?.

Th?? year, a more t??l?r?d m?n w?ll replace the b?gg? l??k fr?m l??t year’s fashion industry. Th?? ???r, l??? is m?r?; more choices, m?r? ?t?l?ng, m?r? ?l?????.


Menswear waits for n? ?n?. So wh?l? w? m?ght ?t?ll b? ?bl? t? ??? ?ur br??th ?nd??r?, ?t’? t?m? t? ?t?rt looking ?h??d t? ??? wh?t’? ??t to b? b?g ?n?? the temperatures ???k b??k u?.

From t??hn???l t??l?r?ng t? tr?u??r? th?t w?n’t l?w?r ??ur sperm ??unt, this ?? ??ur first look ?t th? tr?nd? w? expect t? h?t h?rd for ??r?ng/?umm?r 2016.

On Safari

M?n?w??r has always been ?n?m?ur?d of ut?l?t?. But wh?l? th?t’? u?u?ll? m?n?f??t ?n m?l?t?r?-?n???r?d ?v?r???t? ?nd ??m? ?r?nt?, designers changed tack f?r SS16, l??k?ng to th? dawn ?f ?v??t??n ?nd early 20th century safaris for inspiration.

T?nk?u?t?, w? kn?w, ?r?n’t f?r everyone, ?? ?f ??u’r? g?v?ng th?? tr?nd a wh?rl ?t??r towards ?t? m?r? wearable ?????t?: kh?k? f??ld jackets, ?h?n?? and bu?h shirts (short ?l??v?? and two ?h??t ???k?t?) will ?ll w?rk w?ll f?r ?n urb?n expedition.

N?w th?t most ?f u? h?v? confronted ?ur ?n?? d?b?l?t?t?ng fears ?f ?h?rt-?l??v?d ?h?rt?, d???gn?r? ?r? ??tt?ng u? n?w ?h?ll?ng??. Ent?r th? Cub?n collar ?h?rt – th? ???n, almost n?t?h lapel-like ??ll?r?d style our gr?ndf?th?r? ?r?b?bl? couldn’t g?t ?n?ugh ?f ?n th? 1950?.

Th?r? w?? a bl??k v?r???n ?mbr??d?r?d w?th pink palm tr??? ?t Dr??? V?n N?t?n, wh?l? P?tr??k Grant’s take at E. T?utz ran th? g?mut fr?m g??m?tr?? ?r?nt? t? ?l??n pale indigo. Almost ?ll w?r? b?x? in th??r cut, dw?rf?ng even m??t??r m?d?l?’ b?????.

If ??u’r? b?r?d ??ll? ?f Oxford butt?n-d?wn?, a Cub?n ??ll?r ?h?rt-?l??v?d ?h?rt ?? the ideal piece t? shake things u?. But ??u’ll want t? be sure to k??? th? cut f?tt?d (unl??? ??u’r? an ?ff-dut? m?d?l) ?nd th? ?t?l? ?t??lf l?w-k??, so try ?l??n, neutral d???gn? f?r ?t?rt?r? and w??r n??tl? tu?k?d ?nt? a ?l?ghtl? l????r-l?g trouser for th? full 1950s ?ff??t.

J??k?t? ?n J??k?t?

We t?nd t? ???nd a l?t ?f time extolling layering’s ?r??t???l benefits. And wh?l? th?r?’? n? disputing th?m, layering’s also w?rth l??k?ng ?t f?r its ?t?l??t?? ??t?nt??l.

T?k?, f?r ?x?m?l?, C???l?-H??f?rd’? SS16 show, which featured a featherweight n?v? ???t l???r?d underneath a fire ?ng?n? r?d blouson jacket, ?r Erm?n?g?ld? Z?gn?’? ?ff?r?ng, wh??h ?n?lud?d a du?t? pink notched l???l bl?z?r l???r?d over a checked double-breasted j??k?t. While ?t m?ght ?ll ??und m???? ?n ????r, ?ut t?g?th?r ?t’? th? ?d??l w?? t? ?l??h ??l?ur?, ??tt?rn? or textures.

Ex??ut?ng this ?n? properly is ?b?ut f??u???ng ?n two things: f?br?? w??ght?, ?nd ??m?l?m?nt?r? cuts. F?r?tl?, t? stop ??ur??lf ?w?lt?r?ng, choose l?ghtw??ght l???r? m?d? from ??tt?n, linen ?r nylon. S???ndl?, r?th?r th?n ?wkw?rdl? j?rr?ng ??ur l???r?, tr? a ?h?rt?r, ?tru?tur?d l???r ?n ?n??d?, wh?l? keeping ??ur ?xt?r??r l???r r?l?x?d ?n form and slightly l?ng?r ?n length.

Wide-leg Trousers

M?n?w??r’? b?g loosening u? continues. Wh?l? w?’v? been ????ng wider-legged tr?u??r? f?r a ??u?l? ?f years n?w, SS16 w?? the f?r?t season w? saw so m?n? m?k?? sense. Relaxed trousers were offered u? ?? th? ??rf??t way t? ?n?ur? ??ur legs stay ??r?d dur?ng ?umm?r’? h??t. And ?r?n’t w? ?ll t?r?d ?f ??u??z?ng ourselves ?nt? ??m?? ?l?m- ?nd ?k?nn?-f?t? anyway?

Its th? brave m?n wh?’d ?tt?m?t ??m? of SS16′? ??rt??ul?rl? ???????u? ?ut? (??? Cr??g Gr??n), but roomier ?t?l?? w?th a ju?t-r?ght br??k are a ??n?h to w??r with ?v?r?th?ng from t??? t? short-sleeved ?h?rt? and bl?z?r?. Put simply, ??m for a pair th?t ??t ??m?wh?r? b?tw??n ?ll?w?ng your l?g? t? br??th? ?nd samurai l?v?l? of b?ll?w?ng fabric. [email protected]