Victor Tamba -Bowie State

Today in recognition of Black History Month, We recognize the achievements of this Black College Football All-American


Members of the Inaugural TAJ-Talented 10th  Black College All-American Team.

During the month of February, (Black History Month) one member of the All-American team will be featured on the website daily. Today we put the spot light on:

Bowie  State’s Victor Tamba : (Offensive Line) 

#78  Red-Shirt Senior   
    6’5″  335lbs
District Heights,Maryland  
(Northwestern  High School) 

#1 Offense in NCAA D2 averaging 566 yards per game
#1 Scoring offense NCAA D2  54 points per game 
#4 Passing Offense NCAA D2 336 yards per game 

-2017 Finalist Gene Upshaw Division II Lineman of the Year Award
-2017 SBN Black College All-American
-2017 HBCU Gameday All-American 
-2017 BOXTOROW  All-Americna Honorble Mention
-2017 Honorable Mention  

If you want to find out haw valuable Victor Tamba Jr has been to the Bowie State Bulldogs Division two leading offense, you have to look no further than this years Deacon Jones Tophy winner  Amir Hall.Tamba has been Hall’s Left tackle and provided the protection this years National Black College player of the year needed to accomplish throwing for over 3,500 yards and 41 touchdowns in 11 games.

#78 Victor Tamba- Bowie State sets up to excute a block (Photo: Courtesy of

Playing Left Tackle made Tamba a central piece in the protection of Coach Damon Wilson’s All-American quarterback and with Tamba’s help the Bull Dog offense rack up 5.2 yards per rushing attempt and 14 yards per reception. In all the Bulldogs rolled up 6229 yards of total offense.