Urban Media Today Finance: The Secret To Paying Off Your School Loans [Tips]

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Millions of Americans are currently making payments on their school loans; if they’re not filing for forbearances. There is a secret to paying off your student loan debt and Popsugar.com shows us how we can decrease our debt with the following tips:

Check your employee benefits package.

Some major companies — including Fidelity, PwC, Aetna, and Staples — now offer employees help with student loan repayment, according to Barrett. They might also provide tuition reimbursement options that will help you avoid future debt as well.

Set up automatic payments.

This is an easy one. Not only will this help ensure you don’t miss a payment, but Barrett notes it also has other benefits: many lenders offer a small interest-rate deduction (0.25 to 0.5 percent) if you enroll in an automatic billing program.

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Go beyond paying the minimum.

“The biggest mistake millennials can make when it comes to student debt is treating it like just another monthly bill,” Barrett warns. She explains that if you stick to a basic 20- or 30-year payoff plan, you’ll end up paying way more than the amount you borrowed


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