Urban Media Today Finance: Before Your Child Leaves For College-Ask These Questions


It’s college season. Well, it’s the season you’re about to have an empty nest now that your only child or last child will be leaving for college soon.

Before packing up the car, you might want to ask these questions, provided by the Huffington Post:

5 Questions To Ask Before Deciding Where To Go To College

1. Is your scholarship front-loaded?

Colleges use scholarships to lure the candidates they most want to attend. But once a student enrolls, things can change.

2. How long will it take to graduate?

Every school posts the percentage of students who graduate in four years and in six years. You can find the data at the Chronicle of Higher Education’s website or on the school’s website.

3. What is the school’s post-graduation placement rate?

A major working assumption is that a college degree will help you get a better job. While your plumber may not agree, this has historically been the operating philosophy.

Click the Huffington Post link for more helpful tips! 

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