Take the Show on the Road with a Great Bike Rack


Riding your bike is a great way to get some much needed exercise and enjoy the great outdoors. The problem is that many modern roads are not fit for bicycle traffic. Even though bicycles are technically allowed on most roads, a number of factors make riding on many of them difficult and even dangerous.

Major roads through the town may have wide shoulders and ample room to ride, but they also host large numbers of cars and trucks. To make matters worse, that vehicular traffic often uses the shoulder of the road to enter and exit parking lots, make turns and otherwise inhibit bicycle riders.

Some bike riders take to the smaller country roads, but that option comes with its own dangers. Country roads are often winding, with sudden curves and hidden blind spots. That can make it harder for motorists to see you and your bike. Country roads also tend to be narrower than other streets, making it harder for bicyclists to get off to the side when cars and trucks approach. In addition to those hazards, narrow country roads often have no shoulders at all, or shoulders that consist solely of loose gravel, dirt and other unstable surfaces. Those uneven surfaces can make it hard for bicycle riders to maintain their balance during a quick swerve or other emergency maneuver.

The absence of public road options does present some challenges to avid cyclists and fitness enthusiasts, but it does not have to spell the end of their riding careers. Bike paths and other specialty riding areas provide bicyclists with another option and the chance to ride safely. Bike paths also provide cyclists with a way to meet others who share their enthusiasm and passion for the sport.

While bike paths are great, cyclists need a safe way to get there and back, and that is where a good bike rack comes in. Choosing a bike rack is not difficult, but it is important to look for a few key features.

One of the most important factors to look for in a bike rack is ease of use. The best bike racks make it easy to lock your bike in place quickly, without undue stress or difficulty. If possible, you should check out the bike rack in person and practice taking your bike on and off the rack.

Security is another important consideration when buying a bike rack. You are not the only person who loves your bike; there are plenty of thieves who would like to get their hands on it as well. A secure lock that is hard for thieves to pick but easy for you to operate is an absolute must.

The right bike rack gives you added freedom and allows you ride far from the fast-moving cars and trucks that ply the modern roadways. Knowing what to look for in a bike rack is the best way to protect your ride and enjoy your favorite sport.

Story Credit: [email protected]

Photo Credit: Asya Vee/Upsplash.com