Pittsburgh Police offering free gun locks to curb accidental shootings


In the aftermath of recent accidental shootings, The Pittsburgh Bureau of Police is helping gun owners care for their weapons more responsibly. The police department is providing free gun locks to citizens while supplies last.

You can find locks available in all zones within the city and at Pittsburgh Police Headquarters on Western Avenue.

According to police, gun locks can play a crucial role in preventing accidental shootings—especially those involving children. The department encourages parents or guardians to obtain a gun lock and properly secure their firearms to aid in keeping their families safe.

“Taking five to ten minutes to place the lock on a gun could potentially save a life,” said Public Safety Director Wendell Hissrich in a city press release. “That’s what we’re trying to get out to the public today, that these locks are available.”

Hissrich added that learning to use a gun lock is a simple process. The device laces through the magazine chamber into the ejection port before locking in place. Keys should always be kept away from children or placed in a secured location, like a vault.

To view a demonstration on proper use of a gun lock, click here.

If you would like to obtain a gun lock can pick one up at the following locations while supplies last:

Police Headquarters
1203 Western Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15233

Zone 1 Police Station
1501 Brighton Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Zone 2 Police Station
2000 Centre Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Zone 3 Police Station
830 East Warrington Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15210

Zone 4 Police Station
5858 Northumberland Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Zone 5 Police Station
1401 Washington Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Zone 6 Police Station
312 S. Main Street
Pittsburgh PA 15220

Story Credit: Editorumt/jrtmediapr

Photo Credit: Thomas Def/Unsplash