Hey Girl Hey Podcast (Show Three)[Audio]

LaShawn Tipton, Gerri Tipton and Ki Ki Brown

#HeyGirlHeyPodcast is ON NOW with the hot topics like #StormyDaniels having to pay #Trump his #hushmoney back, why giving cash as a gift is “not the jam” and telling you what #TheySaid
Plus, we shine our #HeyGirlHeySpotlight on Pittsburgh hairstylist and author, Robyn Greer! Find out why when you tune in every Saturday at 2 PM on #URBANMEDIATODAYradio via Live365, Tune In, and online at Urbanmediatoday.com! You can also check out our past podcasts on @soundcloud (search Urban Media Today).

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To listen to past Hey Girl Hey Podcasts on Urban Media Today, click here