Hey Girl Hey (Ep.6): The Male Diva [Audio]

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LaShawn Tipton, Gerri Tipton and Ki Ki Brown

#HeyGirlHey is back today! Join hosts LaShawn TiptonGerri Tipton & myself @ 2 PM on #UrbanMediaTodayRadio & listen in as we wrap up this week in #entertainment: the Male diva, the effects of #gentrification in our black communities and celebrity influence (surrogacy & veganism).

The ladies will be shining their #HEYGIRLHEYSPOTLIGHT on another phenomenal woman DOIN’ BIG THINGS! Shouts to Jenee Johnson of Dream Machine Auto II in Homewood, Pittsburgh!
Jenee is the owner and operator of Dream Machine Auto and does auto repair and detailing herself! Yes, fellas! We can fix cars too!
Tune in via Live365 (Official) TuneIn or click this link: http://streaming.live365.com/a57166 to LISTEN NOW!

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