Give It Up w/ Margo Hinton: Tiger Woods Comeback! [Sports Podcast]


Give It Up Podcast Episode 16: Greatness LeBron James and Tiger WoodsGuest Mr. Ryan “Rock” Gabos

In honor of Tiger Woods, the GIVE IT UP game-plan is how to mount your COMEBACK.

  1. Face what went wrong
  2. Learn from what went wrong
  3. See if you need to reconsider your goal
  4. Figure out what you can do about what went wrong
  5. Decide your priorities
  6. Talk about your plan with a supportive friend or family member
  7. Make some resolutions
  8. Give up your bad habits
  9. Find a support system
  10. Hold your head up high

For more Give It Up w/ Margo Hinton on Urban Media Today, click here!