Improve Your Family Relationships With These Parenting Tips

Taking care of your children can be a complicated process. While there are many useful books and tips on this subject, several myths also...

Self-Esteem: You Are Not Who You Think You Are

by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. David sat in front of me at one of my five-day intensive workshops. A successful businessman with a wife and two...

Pros of the right to own a gun in the US

For those who didn’t know, the right to bear arms is a constitutional right. This right can be found in the second amendment of...

Best new business to start

It seems that many people across America are looking for a way to start a new business for better income and to avoid having...

Be the King of the Backyard Barbecue – Tips for Crafting the Perfect Burger

by beconrad   Summer is the perfect time to grill the perfect burger. If you are getting ready to fire up the grill and invite your...

The Best Parenting Advice You Will Ever Read

It is common to hear people say that they hope they never raise their children like their parents did, however, more often than not,...

The Hardest Lesson Of All: Teaching Children About Death

by: Debbie Orme and Jane Bartlett How many uses can you find for a dead fox? When I happened upon one recently whilst out walking...

Pebbles of Possibility Build Ladder to Corporate Equity and Inclusion

Pebbles are small by definition, but, gathered together, can be used to create a “step up.” That is the idea behind the theme of the...

Tips For Becoming A More Successful Parent

When you just don't know what to do and you are having doubts about your parenting skills, you may feel like you're all alone...

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