Back to school: College Students



Hip…hip…hooray! They are finally off to college. You’ve waited 18 years to be empty nesters, mom, and dad! What are you going to do with your newfound freedom? But let’s not start your snowbird adventure…just yet. After all, you still have to prepare your college-bound teen for their bright school year ahead. Here are helpful tips for you to do just that.


First and foremost, buy in bulk. Take advantage of back to school sales in August. One big difference to college is that classes are semesters and not a full year. If you buy your child’s school supplies for both semesters in August, you’re going to save money. Notecards are usually fifty cents, while notebooks are usually a dollar each. Packs of 400-sheet paper are between $2-3. Any school supply you would need is not going to be full price. You know when it’s going to be full price? In January, when most students are halfway through their school year.


Your student should also know their course agenda. Teach them to mark the dates in their planner. When is each assignment due? When are their quizzes and tests? If they have all this written down, there isn’t any way they can fail. They will know they are having a history test on September 29. It’s not up to you if they study for it; that’s on their shoulders. It’s up to you to give them guidance.


Another great thing about college is the campus clubs and organizations. Encourage your child to get involved in them. This is going to help them meet people and be social. Those that get involved on campus often have higher GPAs. There is a club for every interest. Encourage them to go to all the meetings and to not be shy. They should give their opinion when it’s asked; volunteer their time when it’s needed. This shows that they are a team player.


Furthermore, college allows your student to explore what type of learner they may be. Are they a more visual learner? Powerpoint presentations, graphs, and charts speak their language. Audio learners learn best by hearing, such as with audio books. There are learners that memorize everything and learners that focus more on logic. Once your student figures out their best style, stick with it. Keep in mind that not every teacher is going to cater to their particular learning style, but that’s okay. They have to stand on their own two feet; they have to learn their own unique way.


Finally, it’s important that the student finds a study group. While it’s all right to do homework alone, sometimes it’s best to compare notes with classmates. They may have gotten down information that your student missed from the teacher, especially if the teacher talks fast. Friends can also help clarify topics within a chapter. They may understand more thoroughly and can offer a new perspective. Your student doesn’t get this when you study alone.


So, as your student goes away to college, have these back to school tips in mind. They are going to help you achieve success.

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