E-Report: Will You Be Watching The Golden Globes??? #MeToo [Pun Intended]


In the past, I would never be one to stay up watching awards shows. I’m not sure if it was because I just wasnt’ interested or because I hadn’t seen any of the films so why waste my time?

Last year, that changed. I found myself glued to the television because I invested a lot of time (and bootleg dollars) watching some of the highly acclaimed films that would be recognized by the SAG, Academy Awards and Golden Globes.

I too was shocked when Moonlight won instead of LaLa Land. The gasps shared by the audiences were also shared by me and my twitter account; blasting the celebrities on stage “why didn’t they read the envelope?” and “how old are they?” and “what the hell?”. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I had never seen anything like this before! This was getting good! Yeah! I’ll be watching from now on! Who knew?

Honestly, it wasn’t a big relief when Moonlight won. I didn’t really care for the movie too much. I mean the cinematography was amazing but the story line was a bit confusing. I was happy a black director won but I didn’t check it off my “accomplishments for black people” list. Sorry…just being honest.

Anyway, this year is supposed to be even more exciting! The list of nominees and the movies nominated are really good this year! But that’s not where the excitement will be focused on primarily.

The world has embraced the #MeToo movement after hundreds, if not thousands, of sexual assaults allegations have popped onto the scene; one involving a top film producer, a few known actors, and so on and so on.

A few women (some you may know) have decided to highlight this movement by taking a stand (different than taking a knee I’m assuming) against sexual assault and the women who have fallen victim to this very serious issue.

Some have decided to protest the awards shows altogether and others have decided to wear all black in solidarity to send a message that this needs to stop!

It’s reported that even some male actors will wear all black to help support the women’s movement (don’t they usually wear all black? Nevermind).

This will definitely be a MUST SEE TV night for me. So I’ll be ready to watch from the red carpet to the afterparty! If you are interested in watching this too, then be sure to get yourself prepared for a long night of TV. In order to watch the award show, some people may have to upgrade their TV package for more channels to make sure you have access to this award show. People can see here for some TV bundles if they don’t currently have access to the channel that the award show is on. An upgraded bundle should let you watch the Golden Globes!

I guess Issa Rae was right when she said she was “rooting for everybody black” but now it’s for everybody IN BLACK that might need that extra slow handclap!

I’m in support of the #MeToo movement. Women in the entertainment, media and even in the corporate world have been silent way too long. Our lives matter and not when it’s on a casting couch or across a desk at a job interview! Sexual assault and abuse is never acceptable FOR ANYONE! STAND UP and SPEAK OUT!

This Sunday, I’ll be watching! Will you?

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