#YearofCOVID Tip Sheet


One year has passed since stay-at-home orders went into effect across the U.S. and the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives in profound ways. During this dark year, we’ve witnessed overwhelming loss of life and livelihood, and separation from those we love. But we have also seen courageous patients and heroic healthcare workers battling the disease, as swift breakthroughs have brought us vaccines and hope.

Throughout March, the Cedars-Sinai Newsroom is marking this pandemic milestone with a series reflecting on the ways our patients, healthcare workers, researchers and community have experienced the past 12 months. Published stories cover medical innovations, resilience, helping children get back on track and health concerns brought on by working from home:

#YearofCOVID: The Evolution of Care
From the earliest days, when little was known about SARS-CoV-2, to the rapid development of treatment strategies, vaccines and post-infection patient care, the Cedars-Sinai response to the virus evolved rapidly. Teamwork and innovation led to safer conditions for healthcare providers and improved outcomes for patients. Pulmonary care and vascular specialists, respiratory therapists, ICU teams, nurses and researchers all helped move the response forward.

#YearofCOVID: Resilience on the Front Lines  
The pandemic threatened to drain the energy and optimism of healthcare providers around the globe. Family, evening walks, the camaraderie of colleagues and community support in the form of donated meals and drive-by salutes helped the Cedars-Sinai team stay strong.

#YearofCOVID: Helping Kids Cope
A year of virtual learning due to COVID restrictions on in-person schooling has left children sad and anxious, missing their friends and teachers and missing out on the social and emotional growth that comes from being together on a daily basis. Cedars-Sinai experts offer tips for parents on helping children manage the return to the classroom.

#YearofCOVID: Is Working from Home Bad for Your Health?
With many people still working from home a full year after the COVID-19 pandemic forced dramatic changes in the workplace as we know it, what are the potential risks to our health? What silver linings can we embrace? Can an ergonomic work station help mitigate wrist, neck and back pain? Could scheduling regular breaks yield time for exercise or meditation while also giving our eyes a break from the screen?

#YearofCOVID: A Mother’s Story
An otherwise-healthy 30-year-old woman from Fontana was airlifted to Cedars-Sinai after contracting a life-threatening case of COVID-19. An emergency cesarean section in the ICU and a life-support machine called ECMO saved the lives of mother and baby, who are now home and doing well.

Story Credit: Newswise/Cedars-Sinai

Photo Credit: starline/freepik