What To Do When Your Little Girl Leaves Home



by: Craig Garber

Today I am NOT going to be talking about marketing.

It is the farthest thing from my mind right now.

And I also will NOT be telling you anything about writing

sales copy… and I probably won’t help you come up with

your next USP either.

Today my little girl is starting her first day of school,

and frankly… I’m upset about that.

In fact… if I think about it for too long, I actually get

downright depressed.

You see, 10 years ago, when my sons were younger and they

started their first day of Kindergarten (and by-the-way,

wouldn’t you think that should be spelled with a “d” instead

of a “t”) — I had more of a “normal” business running my

financial planning firm and I worked in a “traditional”

office, which was outside of my home.

And since I wasn’t working in my house at the time, I never

saw my sons during school hours anyway. So I didn’t really

feel the same sense of “loss” I’m feeling now.

The last 5 years have simply been wonderful for me.

First off, after having 2 sons… I finally had a girl.

In the beginning, before she was born… bluntly, I was

scared shitless about this.

After all, I didn’t grow up with any sisters… and I just

didn’t think I’d know what to “do” with her.

But here’s what she’s taught me:

1. There really IS a “clothing and shoes” genetic component

in female DNA. And… it gets activated pretty early.

2. Girls really DO mature faster than boys — much faster.

And so now I completely understand why girls your age

always want to date boys older than you, when you’re a


3. When your daughter looks at you with “those eyes” and

says “Daddy ple-e-e-ase”, you really will do whatever she

wants — regardless of how much of a “firm” disciplinarian

you are.

4. When sisters and brothers fight, the girl is ALWAYS


5. And lastly, my daughter taught me I don’t have to lose

my patience when my kids frustrate me. After all, it is

literally impossible for anyone with a conscience, to get

even mildly pissed off at someone so loving and cuddly.

Although I REALLY and truly will enjoy the extra time I’ll

now get to spend with my wife (and if truth be told… the

extra work I’ll get to accomplish), I will miss my daughter

terribly, and I will never ever forget the last

5-and-a-half years of my life.

I have enjoyed every single drawing she made for me, while

sitting next to me on “her” side of the desk (and, I’ve kept

every one of them — even the one’s with the beads glued on

them)… I melted along with every single grin she flashed

at me… and I smiled ear-to-ear — regardless of what I

was in the middle of doing — every single time she

interrupted me to ask “Daddy, can I sit on your lap?”

In fact, the truth is, as much fun as I’ve had… when it

comes down to it, I probably should have paused and enjoyed

my time with her, even more.

After all, I’ve only got 45 or 50 years left here — why

miss out?

I know it’s time for her to grow up, but… one thing’s for

sure: We’ll be making even more memories together starting

this afternoon, when we pick her up from school at 2:05


Now go hug your kids… and then go sell something,

Craig Garber
