Summer activities for teenagers


It’s finally summer! While your younger kids are begging to go the pool, your older kids may be wondering how to fill their time. It’s important for teens to stay busy. Help your teens fill their time by suggesting fun activities. The following activities are teen-approved.


First, try to encourage your child to get outdoors. Have them throw a frisbee around with their friends or a younger sibling. Let them ride their bike downtown to a movie or to get ice cream. Purchase kites at the local hobby shop, taking them to a park and flying the kites as a family. Participate in a sport together as a family. Go to a park that has tennis courts or basketball courts, for instance. You could even buy a bucket of baseballs so that you can set up your own baseball game in your backyard or at a local park. It’s all about keeping kids active and healthy!


Another fun activity is to go camping. In most communities, there are local parks that allow camping. You can camp at most national and state parks. It all depends on what activities your family wants to do while there. If you want to fish or go hiking, for instance, this may take some research. Also, you have to decide if you’re tent camping or will have a camper. There are different amenities than if you are simply putting up a tent. There are electric and water hookups, for instance, as well as options for wifi.


When it gets too hot, it may be a great day to stay inside and play games. This may be board games or video games, but it’s important the teen spends time with their family. They are well on their way to growing up. Soon they will be out of the house and off to college. (Sorry, Mom). Spending the day with the family is going to create memories that last a lifetime. Turn on the air conditioner and eat simple foods. Have a turkey and cheese wrap for lunch instead of a hot sandwich. Pair it with chips or fruit. This helps your family beat the heat and have fun at the same time.


Teens may also have activities they enjoy just by themselves. They may enjoy writing in a journal or drawing, for instance. They may enjoy exercising, baking or studying a religious text. Respect that they enjoy this activity on their own. If you try to crowd their space, it may either spark their interest (and they’ll let you join them) or it could backfire. Alternatively, some teens may enjoy working on crafts. Help them invest their time in a home improvement project, such as flipping an item that you purchase at a second-hand store. There are several places you can sell these items after just adding a coat of paint.


Finally, encourage your teen to use the summer in order to learn a new skill. Are they off to college soon? Allow them to start their summer courses by taking a class or two at the local junior college. If they have a passion, drive that passion by enrolling them in workshops or seminars that further their knowledge or skills. This is going to be fuel for your child to love learning. They are going to be more willing to love school and keep learning than had they simply stayed home and watched reruns of their favorite sitcoms. It may be summer, but it doesn’t have to be the dog days of summer. Keep your child active and they’re going to thank you for it. [email protected]