John Legend, Chris Martin and other celebs live-stream free concerts for quarantined fans


Concerts all over the world have been canceled in response to the coronavirus pandemic, but as the old adage goes, “the show must go on!”

According to Entertainment Tonight, entertainers like John Legend and Chris Martin are appeasing disappointed ticket holders by performing live concerts (from the safety of their homes) and streaming the performances to fans via social media.

Monday, Martin kicked off the trend by announcing an Instagram Live performance.

“Hello everyone,” the Coldplay frontman tweeted. “I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. If anyone feels like chatting and listening to some music, I’m going to do a livestream on the Coldplay Instagram in about 30 mins (1pm in LA / 8pm in London). love CM #TogetherAtHome.”

True to his word, for 30 minutes, he performed hits like “A Sky Full of Stars,” and “Trouble,” while telling interesting anecdotes about the tracks.

Shortly afterward, Legend retweeted Martin’s post. He used it to announce performing at the same time, with the same hashtag, on Tuesday.

“My friend Chris Martin did a lovely little concert from home today,” Legend tweeted. “I’ll be doing one tomorrow at 1pm Pacific time. See you soon. We’ll try to get through this together! #TogetherAtHome.”

The crooner’s comedically gifted spouse, Chrissy Teigen, replied, “I’ll be there!! because I literally have no choice.”

ET reported, “the Together at Home series of concerts was launched to encourage social distancing and support of the World Health Organization (WHO) in its efforts against the spread of COVID-19.”


Story credit to Blue Telusma/The Grio.

Photo credit to The Grio.