Heads Are Gonna Roll! Accidentally Released Photos of Bey & Jay Kids [Photos]


I knew that when I saw the pictures of Beyonce and Jay Z’s children (Sir and Rumi) on Instagram, this wasn’t supposed to happen.

It just wasn’t something (thinking in my head) Beyonce would do just out the blue (not Blue, their daughter). I wonder who released the photograph?

TheRoot.com is reporting whoever did it, might be unemployed.

This photo seems to be placed in a house presumed to be the King of Music’s—Beyoncé’s—and was taken with someone’s iPhone.

1) When you go into someone’s home, why would you take a photo of someone’s personal images? Why don’t you eat your food and bask in being in the presence of royalty?

2) If you’re going to risk it all and take a photo, why not take a good one? Why is there a glare on the Queen of Rap’s face?

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