Guest: Howard Head Football Coach Larry Scott Jr

UMTTalks Sports : Ray,Vince and Trevin

Urban Media Today Talks Sports  07/18/20

This Week  Ray Porter Jr, Vince Butts , Trevin A Jones , Keith Platt Jr  and John McCann are at it again :

Keith Platt  Jr.                                    John McCann

This week the crew is joined by  Coach William Hoyd Jr. of  “PlayingforEnvelopes” 

This Week Howard University Head Football Coach Larry Scott Jr.  Talks  Football, Recruiting, Family, and being more than a coach

First Quarter :  Coach Introduces Himself and How he came to Howard

Second Quarter:  Coach Talks About His coaching Staff and the focus while dealing with the postponement of this football season.
Third Quarter : Coach Talks Recruiting and the power and pride of the Howard University brand
Fourth Quarter :  Coach wraps up the show talking about being more than a coach, the Howard brand and the HBCU experience