DaNae Harrison Announced as the 2022 Alan & Mary Jo Lincoln Scholarship Winner


The Alan and Mary Jo Lincoln Scholarship program, presented by Riverside Sales Group, LLC, awarded its 2022 scholarship to Ms. DaNae Harrison. Ms. Harrison graduated in June 2022 with a 4.5 weighted GPA from Saint John’s College High School in Washington D.C. and will attend Spelman College in the fall. She received an award of $1,500 to support her studies.

Applicants for the scholarship are graduating African American high school seniors who plan to attend college or trade school full time. Applicants must have maintained a minimum 2.5 GPA and demonstrated leadership by engaging in school and community activities. Ms. Harrison wore many hats during her time at St. John’s, including Speech & Debate Club Member/Coach, Social Media Manager of the Entrepreneurship Club, Vice President of the Say Our Name Club, Event Organizer for the Black Student Union, and Student Leader for the St. John’s Ambassador Program. Most impressively, she founded the H.E.R. (Her Essence Radiates) Club, which focuses on women’s empowerment and health. DaNae is passionate about advocating for the voices, rights, and equity of her peers of color. Through H.E.R., she led a successful donation drive to collect women’s hygiene products for Martha’s Table, a non-profit organization in the nation’s capital and persuaded her school’s administration to earmark donations for the Child Discovery Center in Kenya, which serves children in need in Nakuru, Kenya. But she did not stop there. DaNae also created fashionable sanitary napkin holders. She shared, “By providing stylish sanitary pad pouches, I decreased the weariness of countless young girls who fear being exposed and ridiculed for menstruating.”

Ms. Harrison’s career goal is to become a lobbyist and philanthropist to effect progress in the Black community, especially for Black women facing both gender and racial inequity. She is well on her way! Congratulations, DaNae!

Photos courtesy of Ms. DaNae Harrison


  1. Thank you so much for this opportunity and assisting many black children in achieving higher education!

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