Written from the experiences of Odell Glenn Jr., "Caregiving: The Inspirational Manual (200 Caregiver Tips with Healthy Lifestyle Benefits)" isn’t written by a medical professional or caregiving practitioner, but a maverick “everyman” who had to learn the hard way when he assumed the role of primary caregiver to his parents. In his new guide, Glenn helps caregivers and those soon-to-be caregivers understand exactly what their role is, how to care with true love and compassion and also keep themselves healthy in the process. It’s the first grassroots book of its kind, coming at a time when millions of Americans each year find themselves taking on a “job” they didn’t expect
Written from the experiences of Odell Glenn Jr., “Caregiving: The Inspirational Manual (200 Caregiver Tips with Healthy Lifestyle Benefits)” isn’t written by a medical professional or caregiving practitioner, but a maverick “everyman” who had to learn the hard way when he assumed the role of primary caregiver to his parents. In his new guide, Glenn helps caregivers and those soon-to-be caregivers understand exactly what their role is, how to care with true love and compassion and also keep themselves healthy in the process. It’s the first grassroots book of its kind, coming at a time when millions of Americans each year find themselves taking on a “job” they didn’t expect

Columbia, SC — As an educator and ordained minister, Odell Glenn Jr. has spent his entire life putting the welfare of others before his own. Still, nothing could have prepared him to join the ranks of the 15% of Americans who are the primary caregiver to a loved one. It was a sudden deep-end dive into new beginnings, unexpected struggle and a new rhythm of life that was unlike anything experienced before.

A few years down the line, Glenn is now able to care for his parents with skill and compassion, while also enjoying his own life and remaining vibrantly healthy. Glenn learned the hard way, amassing a wealth of information he is about to release as an uplifting new guide to fellow caregivers and those about to assume this new chapter in their life.

His new book, Caregiving: The Inspirational Manual (200 Caregiver Tips with Healthy Lifestyle Benefits), pays homage to the dozens of people who encouraged Glenn to fight through the tough early days of learning to be a caregiver. He owes them such a debt of gratitude that he now sees it as his journey to reach out to others.
Caregiving is indeed a challenging undertaking, one that honors me each and every day as I serve as primary caregiver to my parents. The debt of love I owe is priceless. This book is intended to share in the wisdom that I have gained and inform other kind and gracious folk. It is primarily intended for those who are current caregivers as well as others who most likely will assume the role of primary caregivers in the future. It is also intended to shed some light for the general public, particularly those who are uncertain as to the roles they might play, and what daily caregiving entails. My intentions are that the book would serve as a general self-help manual that provides guidelines and inspirational talk to caregivers. It also has chapters devoted to healthy eating lifestyles (as well as the benefits of essential oils) that in my opinion -and that of the experts- contain hefty benefits for care recipients. Although the foundational attitudes and tasks of caregiving remain constant, people will surely have their own unique experiences. I have provided prayers for caregivers that I personally reflect upon.

“I embrace my role as a caregiver, treat it as a job ingrained into the core of my being and I cherish the privilege to now live for the welfare of my parents,” explains Glenn. “I’m not alone; 15% of Americans are primary caregivers and, with baby boomers aging and chronic illness numbers shooting through the roof, tens of millions of new caregivers will start their journeys each year. Rather than feel like they are alone, I want my book to be their guiding hand and their beacon of solace during those first few months and years.”

Continuing, “But aside from just preparing them to care for others, the book also dedicates much of its content to helping caregivers look out for their own physical and mental wellbeing. You often hear of caregivers destroying their own health in the process and, in some cases, left unable to care for others any longer. There is a fine line to draw between dedicating your time to your loved ones while also enjoying your own life and freedoms in the process. It’s a wonderful life that I wouldn’t change for the world!”

With the volume expected to be in high demand, interested readers are urged to secure their copies as soon as possible following publication.
How To Get the Book:
Caregiving: The Inspirational Manual (200 Caregiver Tips with Healthy Lifestyle Benefits) by Odell Glenn Jr. is available for purchase at his official website: www.ogcaregiving.com.
About the Author:
Author, caregiver, educator, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, ordained minister and researcher describe the everyday life of Odell Glenn Jr. Odell grew up in Brooklyn, New York and obtained his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in Long Island, New York. He then went on to receive two master degrees in both manufacturing systems and electrical engineering in New Jersey. He then worked as an engineer and then later as an associate professor in the state of Connecticut. He has also lived and worked in the states of California and Oregon before relocating to South Carolina. He begins his mornings by offering bible teaching and prayer via a telephone network which has served many along the east coast. Scripture and motivational quotes are often posted via several social media venues. He is currently preparing to defend his doctoral dissertation in the department of chemical engineering. Alongside his research is a very personal interest in essential oils and health benefits. He sells them on his personal website shown below. He is a public health advocate for asthma, Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury related diseases. He has been known to attend local and national forums and seminars on these illnesses as well as participate in 5K runs and walks associated with these illnesses. He is currently the community outreach coordinator for the “South Carolina Diversity Program” at The University of South Carolina. This position involves setting up panel discussions for K-12 and undergraduates. The goal has been for doctoral students to serve as a liaison for students and become role models and advocates to help them better navigate educational opportunities and possibilities.

He has also served as president of the “Gamecocks Toastmasters Club”. He is active in his local community for which he serves as social media coordinator for a local nonprofit organization. At his church, he is the coordinator for activities associated with young adults (ages 18-59). He is both a Sunday school teacher to adults and a preacher to the congregation on some Sunday mornings. With all of this his primary focus for the past 9 years has been on caring for both his parents who are now in their 80’s. He believes that nothing he has learned or gained in life should be for self. The wisdom and experience that he has learned is intended to be shared to help, shape, inform or guide someone else along life’s tedious journey. His overall mission in life is to minister to the intellectual, social and spiritual needs of all people. In order for him to disseminate information, he plans to continue to write books and public speak throughout a plethora of different genres.

For more details, visit www.ogcaregiving.com