Breaking News: PBS Drops Tavis Smiley Show After Misconduct Allegations Surface [Video]


Ok! I don’t know about you but this is getting a little out of hand. This #MeToo campaign is starting to wake some folks up (for real); for the accused, the accuser, and every law firm across the US!

The latest to be recruited onto the “No Touch Team” (something I coined) is a veteran reporter and talk show host Tavis Smiley. 

According to reports, PBS has decided to cancel the distribution of the late night talk show, produced by Smiley’s independent production company, indefinitely following “multiple, credible allegations.” Heres what USAToday is reporting.

Mr. Smiley has decided to respond to the accusations made against him and says he won’t be taking this lying down. (too soon?)

Click here to see the video!

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