#BLACKBUSINESSMONTH: Grants for Black-Owned Businesses: Deadlines Approaching


The Fifteen Percent Pledge is a call to action for major retailers and corporations to help create sustainable and supportive ecosystems for Black-owned businesses to succeed. The organization works with companies to comprehensively re-evaluate their organizational structures, ways of working, funding, and resourcing in order to implement meaningful change and create greater equity for Black businesses.


BGE Energizing Small Business Grants: Deadline Aug. 26

Accelerating Black Leadership & Entrepreneurship Program (ABLE): Deadline Aug. 28

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Fund by Sia Scotch: Deadline Sept. 26

Drizly’s ‘Sip with Purpose Brand Accelerator Program: Deadline Sept. 12

Comcast Rise Business Grant: Deadline Oct. 14

Nase Business Development Grant: Deadline: Rolling

SOGAL Black Founder Start-Up Grant: Deadline: Rolling

IFUND Women of Color Program: Deadline: Rolling

1MBB Business Assistance Program: Deadline: Rolling


Image: Christina @ wocintechchat.com/Unsplash