UMT Editorial: Do Something


Today, do something for someone who needs a smile, a hug, or just a friend. If you can begin to be better each and every day, you can help the most important person in the world –yourself. When we help ourselves, we can be better people for so many. Frederick Douglas said: “I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.”

Be true to yourself, and you can be a better citizen of this world. All around us, we must fight to maintain what is given to so many people at birth. We must know and understand that if America doesn’t change the way it polices people, we as a country will not grow to be a country for everyone. We must ask Congress to quit playing the blame game and do their job and make this country a shining light for all its citizens.

We are fearful that the country that we have loved, fought for, and shed our blood for has truly forsaken us. Today do something to help stop the mass murdering of American citizens by radicals, people who need help, bad police, and our Congress. It’s been said many times but bears repeating– it starts with us looking in the mirror and doing our part. Urban Media Today needs you to do your best to help us grow and help our fellow man.

Editor, Urban Media Today

[email protected]

Image: Clark Tibbs/Unsplash