“Lets Talks Hoops and more with Margo Hinton and Erica Taylor “

UMTTalks Sports : Ray,Vince and Trevin

     Urban Media Today Talks Sports  05/09/20


This Week  Ray Porter Jr, Vince Butts , Trevin A Jones , Keith Platt Jr  and John McCann  are at it again :

Keith Platt  Jr.                                    John McCann

This week the crew is joined by  Coach William Hoyd Jr. of  “PlayingforEnvelopes” 

Also joining the conversation former SouthHills High School  (Pittsburgh,PA) Basketball Star Margo Hinton  and  Former Westinghouse Basketball star Erica Taylor:


Margo Hinton                                                      Erica Taylor

Click Here to Check out This Weeks Show (Audio)

 Its a Full Game Tipping off with the first Quarter :

URBAN Media Talks Sports  Quarter #2 : The Impact of Covid 19 on Sports 

In the Third Quarter we find out who was the most Impressive NBA Player 

Its the fourth Quarter and Coach set off fireworks askingthe Question about Lebron James : 

Click Here to Check out last  Weeks Video fo the  Show

Click Here to enjoy past Urban Media Today Talks Sports episodes.