Urban Media Today Health: Summer Is Around The Corner…You Ready? [Tips]


Summer, believe it or not, is right around the corner. Most of us are planning girlfriend getaways and family reunions across the country, out of the country; all of which has some kind of beach resort.

So, how will you prepare your “beach body” for the beach? PopSugar.com (as usual) has some helpful tips that can possibly get you where you need to be in due time (which there isn’t enough of).

Each week leading up to Summer, you can make one of these changes to your diet. If it all sounds really overwhelming, there are incredible resources out there to help you. Green Chef is a meal-plan service catered to suit your lifestyle whether that is Paleo, vegan, gluten-free, or anything else. Each recipe takes only about 30 minutes so you’ll be cooking delicious and organic dinners that will keep you on track for Summer.

Fitness Tips

  • 3 months out: “Consistency. Not worrying about how long you work out for but rather how many times a week you go.” Try to make it a habit to go however many days you set your goal to.
  • 2 months out: “Focus on low-impact, high-intensity workouts to get the most of your time without injuring yourself.” It’s game time now. Two months away from Summer means time to step it up a level and move your body in a way that it’s never been challenged before.
  • 1 month out: “This is the finish line.” You want to make sure you are still eating clean while working out just as much as you were the past month, getting stronger and feeling more capable.

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