“Give it Up ” with Margo Hinton

Margo Hinton

                                                          “GIVE IT UP”
Margo Hinton joins the Urban Media Today  sports weekend lineup  with her insight on sports from a womans’ perspective. The High School and College Hall of Fame former basketball star  touches on the importance of self discipline,always challenging yourself and the support of community in 30 minutes loaded with insight and fun…..

This Weeks Guest :  Former NBA Player Myron Brown 

Give IT Up Action Steps
Identify your core values
Examples: Family-Love-Loyalty-Generosity-Friendship-Health-Teamwork-Empathy etc.
Identify your assets
Ask yourself: What are you passionate about and what are you good at?
Are you passionate about inspiring children? Financial Success? Working Out?
Are you good at writing? Teaching? Organizing? Promoting? Coding? Leading?
Identify the need
What are the needs of the community that you wish to serve?
Where and how can you help?
Does the community need Mentors? After school programs? Advocacy? Improved housing? Coaches?
Final Thoughts
Start where you are with what you have. Don’t wait! Build your legacy NOW!


Never Give Up!